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Plvtarchi Chaeronensis Moralia, Qvae Vsvrpantvr: Svnt Avtem Omnis elegantis doctrinæ Penvs : Id est, varij libri: morales, historici, physici, mathematici, denique ad politiorem litteraturam pertinentes & humanitatem : omnes de Graeca in Latinam linguam transscripti summo labore, cura, ac fide

Gviliel. Xylandro Avgvstano interprete: cuius etiam annotationes locupletissimæ (si rem spectes) vnà eduntur, Accesserunt his Indices locupletißimi
Francoforti ad Mœn: Apud Ioannem Feyrabendium, M.D.LXXXXII-
Monograph, Series, Printed Resource

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Plvtarchi Chaeronensis Moralia, Qvae Vsvrpantvr: Svnt Avtem Omnis elegantis doctrinæ Penvs : Id est, varij libri: morales, historici, physici, mathematici, denique ad politiorem litteraturam pertinentes & humanitatem : omnes de Graeca in Latinam linguam transscripti summo labore, cura, ac fide
Uniform title: Moralia
Statement of Responsibility: Gviliel. Xylandro Avgvstano interprete: cuius etiam annotationes locupletissimæ (si rem spectes) vnà eduntur, Accesserunt his Indices locupletißimi
Author / Contributor: Plutarchus (45-120) ; Xylander, Wilhelm (1532-1576)
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Publication: Francoforti ad Mœn: Apud Ioannem Feyrabendium, M.D.LXXXXII-
Media Type: Monograph, Series
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Additional details:
  • Verlag aus dem Kolophon: Impressvm Francoforti ad Mœnum, apud Ioannem Feyrabendium. M.D.LXXXXII
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT021628900
Volumes available: Show volumes

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