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Hvgonis Grotii De Ivre Belli Ac Pacis Libri Tres: In quibus jus Naturae & Gentium, item juris publici praecipua explicantur ; Accesserunt & Annotata in Epistolam Pauli ad Philemonem

Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645)
Editio Nova cum Annotatis Auctoris, Ex postrema ejus ante obitum cura multo nunc auctior. - Amstelaedami: Blaeu, 1663
Monograph, Printed Resource - [12] Bl., 618 S., [23] Bl. : Ill. ; 8-o

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Hvgonis Grotii De Ivre Belli Ac Pacis Libri Tres: In quibus jus Naturae & Gentium, item juris publici praecipua explicantur ; Accesserunt & Annotata in Epistolam Pauli ad Philemonem
Author / Contributor: Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645)
Related work:
Edition: Editio Nova cum Annotatis Auctoris, Ex postrema ejus ante obitum cura multo nunc auctior
Publication: Amstelaedami: Blaeu, 1663
Media Type: Monograph
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Pagination: [12] Bl., 618 S., [23] Bl. : Ill. ; 8-o
Additional details:
  • Vorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Amstelædami, Apud Ioannem Blaev. M DC LXIII.
  • Dauerleihgabe Wilhelm-Dörpfeld-Gymnasium
  • Titelbl. in Rot- und Schwarzdr.
  • Lokale Notationen: ZZWX
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT015270094

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