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PLVTARCHI||CHAERONENSIS,|| SVMMI PHILOSOPHI|| & Historici,|| VITAE PARALLELAE,|| seu Comparatæ,||, 3. Cui subiecti sunt Indices tres ... ad commodum lectoris summa diligentia confecti

GVILIELMI XYLANDRI AVGVSTANI IN-||terpretatione postremò recognita.|| CVM ANNOTATIONIBVS, APPENDICE||| item ad vitas comparatas, & ternis Indicibus|| copiosissimis.||
Francoforti ad Mœnum: Feyerabend, 1592
Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource - 432 S., [11] Bl.

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PLVTARCHI||CHAERONENSIS,|| SVMMI PHILOSOPHI|| & Historici,|| VITAE PARALLELAE,|| seu Comparatæ,||, 3. Cui subiecti sunt Indices tres ... ad commodum lectoris summa diligentia confecti
Statement of Responsibility: GVILIELMI XYLANDRI AVGVSTANI IN-||terpretatione postremò recognita.|| CVM ANNOTATIONIBVS, APPENDICE||| item ad vitas comparatas, & ternis Indicibus|| copiosissimis.||
Author / Contributor: Plutarchus (45-120) ; Xylander, Wilhelm (1532-1576)
Related work:
Publication: Francoforti ad Mœnum: Feyerabend, 1592
Media Type: Monograph, Part of a work
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Pagination: 432 S., [11] Bl.
Additional details:
  • Dauerleihgabe Wilhelm-Dörpfeld-Gymnasium
  • Lokale Notationen: ZZWX
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT003463380

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