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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Conical Shells of Linearly Varying Thickness Subjected to Normal Loads

    The equilibrium equations for a surface element of a conical shell in the framework of generalized plane stress of linear theory of elasticity are...
  2. Collision Free Motion Planning on Graphs

    A topological theory initiated in [4,5] uses methods of algebraic topology to estimate numerically the character of instabilities arising in motion...
  3. Coordinating Multiple Droplets in Planar Array Digital Microfluidics System

    This paper presents an approach to coordinate the motions of droplets in digital microfluidic systems used for biochemical analysis. A digital...
    Eric Griffith, Srinivas Akella in Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics VI
  4. Analysis of Non-polynomial Systems Using the Sum of Squares Decomposition

    Recent advances in semidefinite programming along with use of the sum of squares decomposition to check nonnegativity have paved the way for...
    Antonis Papachristodoulou, Stephen Prajna in Positive Polynomials in Control
  5. LMI Optimization for Fixed-Order H∞ Controller Design

    A general H∞ controller design technique is proposed for scalar linear systems, based on properties of positive polynomial matrices. The order of the...
  6. On the Equivalence of Algebraic Approaches to the Minimization of Forms on the Simplex

    We consider the problem of minimizing a form on the standard simplex [equivalently, the problem of minimizing an even form on the unit sphere]. Two...
    Etienne de Klerk, Monique Laurent, Pablo Parrilo in Positive Polynomials in Control
  7. Discovering the Factors Affecting the Location Selection of FDI in China*

    Since the late 1970s, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has played an important role in the economic development of China. However, the growth of FDI...
    Li Zhang, Yujie Zhu, ... Guoqing Chen in Intelligent Data Mining
  8. The Many Faces of a Kohonen Map A Case Study: SOM-based Clustering for On-Line Fraud Behavior Classification

    The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is an excellent tool for exploratory data analysis. It projects the input space on prototypes of a low-dimensional...
  9. Data Mining and User Profiling for an E-Commerce System

    Many companies are now developing an online internet presence to sell or promote their products and services. The data generated by e-commerce sites...
    Ken McGarry, Andrew Martin, Dale Addison in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery
  10. Soft Computing Paradigms for Web Access Pattern Analysis

    Web servers play a crucial role to convey knowledge and information to the end users. With the popularity of the WWW, discovering the hidden...
    Xiaozhe Wang, Ajith Abraham, Kate A. Smith in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery
  11. A Longitudinal Comparison of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Approaches to Iso-Resource Grouping for Acute Healthcare in Australia

    Estimating resource consumption of hospital patients is important for various tasks such as hospital funding, and management and allocation of...
    Eu-Gene Siew, Kate A. Smith, ... Jeff Wassertheil in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery
  12. Discovery of Fuzzy Multiple-Level Web Browsing Patterns

    Web usage mining is the application of data mining techniques to discover usage patterns from web data. It can be used to better understand web usage...
    Shyue-Liang Wang, Wei-Shuo Lo, Tzung-Pei Hong in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery
  13. Ontology-based Fuzzy Decision Agent and Its Application to Meeting Scheduling Support System

    A Fuzzy Decision Agent (FDA) based on personal ontology for Meeting Scheduling Support System (MSSS) is proposed in this chapter. In this system,...
    Chang-Shing Lee, Hei-Chia Wang, Meng-Ju Chang in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery
  14. Data Mining of Missing Persons Data

    This paper presents the results of analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of data mining techniques to predict the outcome for missing persons cases....
    K. Blackmore, T. Bossomaier, ... D. Thomson in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery
  15. A Probabilistic Approach to Mining Fuzzy Frequent Patterns

    Deriving association rules is a typical task in data mining. The problem was originally defined for transactions of discrete items, but it was soon...
    Attila Gyenesei, Jukka Teuhola in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery
  16. Comparison Between Five Classifiers for Automatic Scoring of Human Sleep Recordings

    The aim of this work is to compare the performances of 5 classifiers (linear and quadratic classifiers, k nearest neighbors, Parzen kernels and...
    Guillaume Becq, Sylvie Charbonnier, ... Pierre Baconnier in Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery
  17. 10. Aizerman’s Problem for Nonautonomous Systems

    Let b k (t) (t≥ 0; k=1, ... , n) be real non-negative scalar-valued functions having continuous derivatives up to...
  18. 6 Stochastic Passivity

    Passivity of deterministic linear systems plays an important role in network theory and in adaptive control. The fact that a system is passive...
  19. Data Driven Fuzzy Modelling with Neural Networks

    Extraction of models for complex systems from numerical data of behavior is studied. In particular, systems representable as sets of fuzzy if-then...
  20. 5 Case Studies

    This section demonstrates our hybrid estimation scheme on the basis of the illustrative 3-component cPHA and the BIO-Plex process automation example...
    Michael W. Hofbaur in Hybrid Estimation of Complex Systems